Academic Schedule and Load


网易彩票下载使用四分之一日历系统,跨越三个常规季度(秋季和秋季), 冬天, and Spring quarters) and an optional summer term, used by most students as a vacation period. 

冬季学期和春季学期各由十周的教学组成. 秋季学期包括十周的教学,之前是 September Session, 夏季学期结束后和秋季常规学期开始前的一段可选的四到六周的时间. 九月课程为学生提供了一个参加独特或专业课程的机会, including short-term study abroad Global Seminars.

9月学期的学分计入学生秋季学期的学分负荷, 学生可以将他们的经济援助申请到这些课程上. (如果学生在九月学期和秋季学期总共修了超过18个学分, they will be charged for the overload.)

九月的课程为那些想要补学分的学生提供了灵活性和机会, or move toward degree completion more quickly. Learn more about September Session.

Block Schedule

Classes are arranged in a block-schedule 课程形式:5学分课程,每周三天,每次80分钟,或每周二天,每次120分钟.

Except during Summer Session(s), there is an interval of 10 minutes between periods, and a Chapel assembly is scheduled at 11:10 a.m. on Tuesdays. Forums and cadres are at 1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. SPU还提供各种晚上,周末和暑期班. 大多数暑期课程都是两个为期四周的课程,在长度和结构上与传统课程有所不同.

Final Examination Schedule

A special two-hour class meeting is scheduled for all 3-, 4-, 每学期最后三天的某一天上五学分的课程. 1学分和2学分的课程可能有最后的会议时间,由导师决定. The final exam period is considered an instructional period; classes are expected to meet during the scheduled time whether or not a final exam is given.

If a student has more than two exams on any day, 他或她可以在双方方便的时间与老师重新安排其中一次考试. 教师可以拒绝学生重新安排期末考试的要求. 但是,在下列情况下,教师可以为学生安排提前期末考试:

  • The student is able to demonstrate appropriate mitigating circumstances that, in the judgment of the instructor, warrant rescheduling the final exam.
  • A rescheduled final exam 不早于期末考试最后一天前四个工作天发出.
  • The student’s request 重新安排期末考试至少要在定期期末考试前两周进行.

Academic load

Definition of Academic Credit

一个“学分”表示在大约10周的一个季度中,每周大约一小时的课堂会议,以及满意地完成指定的课外作业,对毕业的价值. 两次(有时是三次)50分钟的实验室作业相当于一次这样的常规课堂作业.

SPU“学分”是一个“季度”学分,相当于某些机构使用的“学期”学分的三分之二. (例如,45个学期学分相当于30个学期学分.学生在课堂上每花50分钟,预计至少有两次50分钟的课外作业时间.

Enrollment Status


  • Full time: 12–18 credits
  • Three-quarter time: 9–11 credits
  • Half time: 6–8 credits
  • Less than half time: 1–5 credits

Permissible Academic Load

“学业负担”一词是指学生注册的学习时间表. 12到18个学分被认为是本科生和学士后学生的常规学业负担. Although Summer Session consists of more than one session, 全日制学生必须在整个夏季课程中注册至少12个学分.

促进学业成功,帮助学生从高中过渡到大学, 新生每季度注册学分不超过18个. 那些希望超过18个学分限制参加音乐合奏或私人指导的人应该联系 registration staff in Student Academic Services.

By special permission from the university registrar, 保持高奖学金标准的本科生和学士后学生可能被允许注册多达20个学分. Only rarely, and through a petition process, 学生是否可以注册超过20个学分, including music, physical education, and all fractional credits. 一个“罕见”情况的例子是需要额外的学分来完成最后一个季度的学位.


Reduction or Limitation of Load


经验表明,大多数学生应该将学业负担与课外就业时间成比例. 下面的时间表显示了学生的学业负担和课外工作之间的关系:

Outside work per week Load recommended
14 or fewer hours 
15–18 credit hours or fewer
15–20 hours or fewer 12–14 credits
21–30 hours or fewer 10–12 credits
More than 30 hours 6–10 credits

Concurrent enrollment

Except when participating in approved study abroad, 学生在常规学年(秋季至春季学期)不得同时修读上海外国语大学和另一所院校的课程。.